Owning a massage therapy business can be a great way to provide much-needed relaxation to others. However, it is important to have the appropriate documentation in place for your business. Intake forms are often necessary before being able to offer any type of massage therapy services. These intake forms are used to collect information about the client’s condition or injury so that you can create a plan of care based on their needs. Massage intake forms are also good for collecting insurance information and saving time by eliminating the need for physical examinations before appointments.
Why Intake Forms Are Important
One of the most obvious reasons that intake forms are important is for liability purposes. Lawyers often use this information in their investigation of claims and for handling administrative tasks like billing and filing. However, in the event that a complaint is brought against your business, the intake forms give you the information necessary to defend your business.
What to Include on Your Intake Forms
Every type of massage therapy business requires a certain amount of documentation. When a client comes in for an appointment, you need to collect several key pieces of information. This information should include the following:
- Any prior injuries, such as a sprained wrist
- Any previous health problems or allergies
- Any chronic pain issues
- A client’s medical history (including previous visits for different conditions)
- The location where the client was injured
- Any other concerns that you might have about their condition
What You Need to Know About Insurance
One of the most important aspects of massage therapy businesses is being insured. It is important to be aware of how to protect your business from theft, fire, and more.
Although more businesses now offer insurance to their employees, they may not offer coverage for their employees and the business. Some business owners may feel that it is their right to withhold this type of insurance. However, if you do not have insurance, your clients will be unable to receive the services you provide to them. Therefore, having the proper insurance is a good idea for both you and your clients.
Take some time to educate yourself on insurance options. Find out what your business needs are. Your insurance premiums should be affordable and not too overwhelming.
Tips on Designing Your Intake Forms
To help you create and fill your own massage intake forms, we have created a short guide. Here are some tips for designing a great intake form:
- Keep your forms simple and short
- Send your forms to your client as a PDF, Word document, or printed form
- Be sure to include accurate and complete information on the form.
- Be careful of what personal information you collect from your client.
- Keep your forms professional and up to date.
Be sure to include the exact type of massage that you are offering. Each individual line should have an estimated time, along with the name, address and insurance information of the client.
It is very important for you to start collecting client information, forms and insurance information when beginning a massage therapy business. It is also a good idea to get registered with state regulators to become legally compliant with state regulations. These forms and documents are needed to protect your clients and the business you are working to build.